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  /  活動   /  2022   /  台中田野調查-學生田調心得











We were glad to watch the exhibition created by Yuma Taru in L’LYUNG STARTUP CLUSTER before participating in the workshop. Llyung Startup Cluster is located in Guangfu New Village(光復新村), which was originally built to house the relatives of KMT, and later transformed into a cultural park, so the space here has a unique and comfortable style. What impressed us the most is a space which is decorated as a home just like as if people really lived in it. The artist uses the space of the 眷村 to simulate a home, and embeds the colors, patterns and styles of ethnic elements on daily objects such as sofas, tablecloths, window coverings of bay windows, cushions, etc., providing a place for people to rest at the end of the exhibition area. This kind of home-like scene with aboriginal cultural elements gives us the feeling that the concepts of “ethnology” and “tradition” are not so sacred and untouchable, nor do they exist only in the records of documents, but also integrate into living and real life.


(Museum of Fiber Arts)

Around 13:00 pm we arrived at the impressive Museum of Fiber Arts to visit the exhibition 源初與心創 (“Origin and creation”) curated by Yuma Taru. The students had 20 minutes to visit the gallery and take notes about their impressions. Most of the information texts in the exhibition had no English translation, which made it harder for foreign students to understand the instructions and weaving techniques shown. However, through a phenomenological approach, students were able to intuitively recognize some of the tools and also some of the fabrics used by traditional Taiwanese communities.


(Lecture with Yuma Taru)

After the visit, the students meet Yuma Taru for her lecture. She started her presentation by chanting a beautiful traditional Atayal song that is usually sung to ask for guidance from spirits. Shortly thereafter the weaving master explained that the 源初與心創 exhibition is a celebration of her lifelong work toward reviving the Ataylal traditional weaving technique. The exposition was motivated by her love for her family and her desire to inspire and prepare the younger generation. It compiles traditional garments and modern clothes all made using waiving techniques that were revived in the last 30 years. Yuma Taru emphasized the importance of formal research to revive the traditional techniques. She mentioned three important sources. The first is bibliographical research using photographs and publications. The second sources are museums and archives – to illustrate this example, the speaker compared a family portrait and a museum photo, in both documents the same garment is worn. And finally, the third main sources are structured interviews with old masters from different communities. The lecturer finalized her speech by saying that she and her community are trying to reconstruct their traditional knowledge in their language, reappropriating ancient names and leaving behind the oppressive language used during the Japanese colonial time and the first decades under martial law.



Following the lecture, the students had the opportunity to learn how to weave a bracelet using four simple objects: a thread, a ruler, and two thread holders. After learning the first steps the students realized how detailed and time-consuming weaving is, making a simple bracelet would take hours. This practical experience has made all students appreciate more all the objects presented in the exhibition.



| 原流新創聚落 |  



| 源初與心創—泰雅傳統織品研究與創新展 |  

Taru家的Yuma — Yuma Taru



「Mhuway su balay」「你非常慷慨」


| 織布體驗課程 |  


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