生態思辨:身體與原民性 成果發表
從2020/12/30到2021/1/3,北藝大師生參加花蓮和台東的。 生態思辨:身體與原民性是北藝大與合作夥伴機構和其他6所合作大學的“共享校園”計劃合作的一部分,分別是蘇黎世藝術大學,香港浸會大學,香港城市大學,京都精華大學,拉薩爾藝術學院(新加坡)和倫敦藝術大學。 今年於12月下旬前往普悠瑪部落的新年儀式,並參加了著名原住民表演藝術家的工作坊:阿道.巴辣夫.冉而山(冉而山劇團),布拉瑞揚舞團舞團(BDC),瓦旦.督喜( TAI 身體劇場)和莊國鑫原住民舞蹈劇場。透過客座講師了解台灣原住民文化的體現方式及與生態的緊密關係。
English Version
Catch the highlights of our Critical Ecologies field trip video here!
From 2020/12/30 to 2021/1/3, teachers and students attended a tour in Hualien and Taitung.
Critical Ecologies: Body and Indigeneity is part of TNUA’s collaboration with our partner institutions through the “Shared Campus” program with TNUA and 6 other partner universities: namely Zurich University of the Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, City University of Hong Kong/School of Creative Media, Kyoto Seika University, LASALLE College of the Arts (Singapore), and University of the Arts London.
The second edition of this course, this year we traveled in late December for the Puyuma people’s new year’s ritual, and took workshops from renowned indigenous performing artists: Adaw Palaf Langasan (Langasan Theatre), Bulareyaung Pagarlava’s Dance Company (BDC), Watan Tusi (TAI Body Theatre), and Kuo-Shin Chuang Pangcah Dance Theatre. Via our guest instructors, we hope to learn about Taiwanese Indigenous ways of embodiment and its close relationship to the ecologies.
Course leader: Professor Yatin Lin
TAs: Elliott Cheung & LI Pei-tzu
Video by:
Lamb Yip Ming Hoe
#IMCCI at Taipei National University of the Arts)
#USR(University Social Responsibility)
#TNUAUSR-hifiveplus: International Art Platform- Indigenous Peoples from the Plains of Beitou to the Mountains of Pingtung