Thachaporn Supparatanapinyo/Warangtip Singhakarn
2020/07/13(一) 14:00-16:00 – 身體工作坊14:00-16:00
USR X Tjimur Arts Festival
Thai Thai Dnace
A literal translation of Thai folk dance or “รำวงมาตรฐาน” is standardized dancing in a circle and was developed as part of the promotion of Thai Nationalism by Field Marshall Pleak’s government during 1938-1944.
Traditionally, the dance is a partner dance in which people dance with their partner in a big circle. The circle normally consists of many couples because the dance patterns and songs were designed to unite Thais and to ease the tension during World War II. In addition, we think the Thai folk dance will be suitable for the elderly because of slow beats of the songs and easy dance patterns.
Workshop Information
Lecturer: Thachaporn Supparatanapinyo/Warangtip Singhakarn
Date: 2020/7/13(MON) 14:00-16:00
Location: Tjimur Dance Theatre
#IMCCI at Taipei National University of the Arts)
#USR(University Social Responsibility)
#hifiveplus: International Art Platform- Indigenous Peoples from the Plains of Beitou to the Mountains of Pingtung