客座教授Andreas Kohli (蘇黎世藝術大學)今天在生態思辨中談論藝術與公共空間。他向學生介紹一些藝術介入文化系統的藝術家作品。
#IMCCI at Taipei National University of the Arts)
#USR(University Social Responsibility)
#TNUAUSR-hifiveplus: International Art Platform- Indigenous Peoples from the Plains of Beitou to the Mountains of Pingtung
Shared Campus
The guest faculty Prof. Andreas Kohli (Zurich University of the Arts), conducted the speech “Art and the Public Space” in the class of Critical Ecologies today. He talked about public space and introduced a few artists whose works presented how artistic intervention into the cultural system.
#IMCCI at Taipei National University of the Arts)
#USR(University Social Responsibility)
#TNUAUSR-hifiveplus: International Art Platform- Indigenous Peoples from the Plains of Beitou to the Mountains of Pingtung