IMCCI X 許生翰 Sean Hsu
本次鳳甲美術館的《北投在地姿勢採集計畫》一展,與許多北投在地學校合作,其中國立臺北藝術大學文創產業國際藝術碩士學位學程(International MA Program in Cultural & Creative Industries, IMCCI)的國際研究生來自世界各地,身處在語言與文化都大不相同的環境中,他們試圖藉著自己的觀察和理解來認識北投,並透過北藝大參與教育部大學社會責任計畫(USR)的支持,在北投進行數次的田野踏查,在編舞家的協助下,結合自己原生文化和台灣在地特色的內容,以行為表演的方式,呈現一齣外國學生對北投身體議題的聯想。
~ Beitou Local Postures Collecting Project ~ IMCCI X 許生翰 Sean Hsu
IMCCI X 許生翰 Sean Hsu
那些在北投的外國人們,Foreigners in Beitou
Beitou Local Postures Collecting Project
Date: 21st March 2020 (SAT)
Time: 17:00
Venue: Hong-gah Museum (11F, No.166, Da-ye Rd., Beitou Disc., Taipei)
The International Master of the Arts Program in Cultural and Creative Industries at the Taipei National University of the Arts comprises international students from around the world. Immersed in an environment of different languages and cultures, students attempted to learn about Beitou via their observation and understanding. Supported by Ministry of Education’s USR (University Social Responsibility) project of TNUA, IMCCI hosts a series of field researches for students. With the assistance of a choreographer, they combined their own cultures with contents full of Taiwanese features and present it in the form of performance art.
To the present day, the history of Taiwan is engraved with diverse marks, entangled with the stories of various peoples. A group of foreigners, entering or perhaps soon becoming residents of Beitou, now bring their cultural backgrounds from different nations, and use their bodies to sculpt their impressions of Beitou. Drawing from histories, the quotidian, poetry, and landscapes, their process of explicating Beitou morphs into a discussion of various critical issues in their contemporary global contexts. Their work remakes the concept of ‘diversity’ using bodies of difference, and in so doing, aims to rediscover what we all have in common.