IMCCI學生Andrea Sandoval Dubón(歐安蒂), Melody Wagner, Don Rodrigo, Thachaporn Supparatanapinyo(那琪), Warangtip Emmy Singhakarn(葉艾美), and Elliott Cheung (張依諾)將在今年七月的屏東蒂摩爾生活節帶領舞蹈和手作工作坊!來加入這場國際舞蹈和生活藝術節。(駐村藝術家來自台灣、比利時、澳洲、印度、峇厘島、日本等)
此活動由教育部贊助,作為USR計畫「Hi-Five Plus:從北投平埔族群 到屏東原住民的國際藝術對話」的子活動。
IMCCI students Andrea Sandoval Dubón, Melody Wagner, Don Rodrigo, Thachaporn Supparatanapinyo, Warangtip Emmy Singhakarn, and Elliott Cheung will lead dance and handicraft workshops at the Tjimur Art Festival in Pingtung this July! Come join this international dance and live art festival. (Residency artists are from Taiwan, Belgium, Australia, India, Bali, and Japan… )
IMCCI’s participation is made possible under the USR project “Hi-Five Plus: International Art Platform- Indigenous Peoples from the Plains of Beitou to the Mountains of Pingtung (從北投平埔族群 到屏東原住民的國際藝術對話)” funded by the Ministry of Education.